Monday, May 20, 2013

Sports Action Photo

Photo #1:

Lizette jogs to get her frisbee on Monday morning.

Photo #2:

Lizette runs to pass the frisbee during lunch on Tuesday.

Photo #3:

A car speeds by on Monday morning.

Photo #4:

A car slows down on Tuesday morning.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Student of the Month Interview [Q's & A's]

How do you feel about being Student of the Month?
Excited & happy.
What grade level are you in?
10th grade/sophomore.
Would your parents be happy?
How do you think you got the title of being Student of the Month?
By working efficiently.
Would you want to be Student of the Month again?
How can you maintain on becoming Student of the Month again?
By receiving good grades.
Do you get good grades?
Do you do any sports at school?
Do you think you deserve to be Student of the Month?
Yes,but there are also many others that deserve to receive the title of Student of the Month.
Do you feel proud to achieve this title?
How can someone be student of the month?
By keeping up with their grades and having extra-curricular.
Can anyone be Student of the Month?
Yes,anyone that is willing to work hard.
Do you feel appreciated for all your hard work?
Did you get an award?
Getting the title was already the award itself.
Is it easy to become Student of the Month?
Do you feel more pressured in maintaining good grades?
Do you feel important?
More than before.
Was anyone helping/supporting you?
My friends.
Are you involve in any activities/curricular after school?
Are your friends happy for you?
Yes,they're very happy for me.

The Art of the Interview - 20 Questions

  • Assignment #1 :

1. Principal,Teachers and staff.

20 Questions:

  1. Do you agree that the school board should enforce the new policy?
  2. What are some of the reasons that the school board would want to enforce the new policy?
  3. What are the benefits of having a school uniform?
  4. What are the disadvantage of having school uniforms?
  5. Why should students have uniforms?
  6. How would it affect the student's education?
  7. How would it affect the school overall?
  8. Do you think parents would agree with the new policy?
  9. Do you think the faculty staff/teachers would agree with the new policy?
  10. What would the uniforms be like?
  11. Should the Teachers have a uniform? If so,why?
  12. Should the staff members also have a uniform?
  13. Do you think that the uniforms should be school colors?
  14. Would the students & teachers have the same uniform?
  15. Would each grade level have different uniforms?
  16. By enforcing the new policy, how would the students react?
  17. Would you consider following the new policy?
  18. Would the consequences be severe if students don't follow the dress code?
  19. How would you encourage the students to follow the new policy?
  20. Would there be more fights/troubles that takes place during school?

Monday, April 22, 2013

Newspaper Design:Notes

Broad Sheet : Tall & Skinny/Narrow.

Tabloid : Short & half the size of a Broad Sheet.

Teaser :(Preview stories on the inside of the newspaper). Put the most important story above the fold.

Flag : Very top of the Newspaper, with a teaser.

Folio : Reference Information [Slogan, Location, Website, Section Name, Page #, Date]

Front Page Elements : Flag, Photos, Headlines, Stories, Lines, Teasers

By-Line : Who wrote the story. [Contains Name,Grade,Staff-reporter/writer]

Jumps : Shows you were to find the rest of the story. [Page # , jump word]

Intro-graphic : Provides information in graphic form. [Bar-graphs & Pie-charts]

Volume : How many years the Newspaper have been out [ Ex: Vol.12 ]

Front Pages of the World

1. The front page in Texas. They talk about how the west is starting to heal.
2. "West begins to heal". I'm interested in it because they have finally started to regain peace little by little and the people gathered to pray for what had happened.
3. 4 stories.
4. They have one dominant photo and story.
5. The format,size of photos & caption/story,and the font.